Homemade Roast Beef Ham and Cheese Grilled Sandwich

Okay, there is a sandwich and then there is a loaded sandwich. Better yet, a loaded grilled roast beef sandwiches!

Grilled Roast Beef Sandwich

Since today's roast beef sandwich recipe is not quite the Mediterranean creation, it would appear a bit of a controversial choice for this blog. And truth be told, it is too easy that I wondered if it needed to be shared at all. Still, this sandwich is a little feast in itself; and if nothing else, it is the perfect accompaniment to a nice glass of Guinness. 🙂 Think St. Patrick's day!

I have a small confession to make, though: I am made of cheese. According to my mother, if you open me up, you'd only find cheese! I'm not so sure how to take that; but let's just say cheese is my biggest foodie weakness. 🙂 You can imagine my glee when I opened a letter (hand addressed, mind you) to find a few coupons from Cabot! I may have jumped a few times at the thought of trying their award winning cheddar.

It didn't take too long for my wheels to start turning..Cheese...Sandwich...Better yet, grilled roast beef sandwich with lots of cheese and sauteed vegetables!  Lucky I came up with such a simple dinner idea. With family coming to visit, I needed every minute to do something that I do not do very often (nor very well): clean the house!!!

Grilled Roast Beef Sandwich served with a glass of Guinness Beer

Again, this roast beef sandwich is embarrassingly easy to prepare. It basically begins with a good rustic bread, like French boule. Since I like my sandwiches nice and big, I used about a quarter pound of roast beef per sandwich (you can adjust the amount to your liking). I added brandy-sauteed vegetables, fresh tomatoes, and two kinds of cheese.  It took like 3 minutes in my little grill, pressing everything together and melting the cheese to oozing perfection!

Just like that, the four of us were having dinner, standing around the kitchen counter. The sandwiches were devoured in as few minutes as it took to make them!

Family has made it to town safe and sound. And my daddy, whom I hadn't seen in umpteen months, is now sitting on the couch patiently watching me as I type away. It's a little odd to be watched while you work, isn't it? Forgive me for running off now; I must go hangout with my dad. Be back soon!

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Here is the step-by-step for this easy roast beef sandwich:

Print-friendly recipe to follow.

In a large heavy skillet, heat 2 tablespoon of olive oil on high. Add the onions and saute for five minutes then add the green peppers, garlic and a dash of seasoned salt. Saute for another 5-7 minutes until the vegetables are tender and onions have slightly caramelized. Reduce the heat to medium; add the brandy and cook until it evaporates. Remove from heat, and roughly divide the vegetables into four equal portions.

Saute peppers and onions in a pan

Separate roast beef into four servings
Lightly butter the back of each bread slice, if desired. To assemble the first roast beef sandwich, take one slice of bread and top it with one slice of mozzarella and some of the shredded sharp cheddar. Now add the sauteed vegetables, roast beef and tomato. Top the tomato with more shredded cheddar and a slice of mozzarella cheese. Finally add another slice of bread to close the sandwich. Repeat with the remaining three sandwiches.

Assemble the components on a table-top grill, including the bread, roast beef, tomato, vegetables and cheese
Grill the sandwiches, each, in a panini grill, electric plate grill, or a stove-top grill for 2-4 minutes until cheese is melted. If using a stove-top grill, carefully flip the sandwiches over mid-way through grilling. Press with a spatula.

Place the second piece of bread on top and close the table-top grill to toast second piece of bread
Remove from heat. Serve with your favorite chips and beer! Enjoy!

Grilled Roast Beef Sandwich ready to be served


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Okay, there is a sandwich and then there is a loaded sandwich. Better yet, a loaded grilled roast beef sandwiches!

  • 1 large red onion, thinly sliced
  • 2 green bell peppers, cored, sliced into batons
  • 3 garlic cloves, roughly chopped
  • Olive oil
  • Seasoned salt
  • ¼ cup brandy
  • 8 slices good French boule bread or similar
  • Unsalted butter, softened
  • 8 slices mozzarella cheese
  • 6 oz sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
  • 1 lb thinly sliced rare roast beef (deli roast beef is fine), divided into four equal portions
  • 1 large tomato, sliced

  1. In a large heavy skillet, heat 2 tablespoon of olive oil on high. Add the onions and saute for five minutes then add the green peppers, garlic and a dash of seasoned salt. Saute for another 5-7 minutes until the vegetables are tender and onions have slightly caramelized. Reduce the heat to medium; add the brandy and cook until it evaporates. Remove from heat, and roughly divide the vegetables into four equal portions.
  2. Lightly butter the back of each bread slice, if desired.
  3. To assemble the first roast beef sandwich, take one slice of bread and top it with one slice of mozzarella and some of the shredded sharp cheddar. Now add the sauteed vegetables, roast beef and tomato. Top the tomato with more shredded cheddar and a slice of mozzarella cheese. Finally add another slice of bread to top the sandwich. Repeat with the remaining three sandwiches
  4. Grill the sandwiches, each, in a panini grill, electric plate grill, or a stove-top grill for 2-4 minutes until cheese is melted. If using a stove-top grill, carefully flip the sandwiches over mid-way through grilling. Press with a spatula.
  5. Remove from heat. Serve with your favorite chips and beer! Enjoy!


  • Recommended for this Recipe: Our Private Reserve Greek extra virgin olive oil (from organically grown and processed Koroneiki olives!)
  • Visit our store to browse our spices, olive oils and bundles!
  • Prep Time: 15 mins
  • Cook Time: 16 mins
  • Category: Entree
  • Method: Grilled
  • Cuisine: Mediterranean

Keywords: Grilled Roast Beef Sandwich, roast beef, grilled sandwich, roast beef sandwich

Try these other delicious recipes:

Crock pot Italian Beef Stew

Grilled Beef Shawarma

Easy Antipasto Skewers

Disclaimer: As an Amazon associate, I receive a small credit when you make a purchase via a link I provide here. This is one way to support this blog and my work. Please know I only recommend good quality products that are fairly priced. But please only purchase what you need.


Source: https://www.themediterraneandish.com/grilled-roast-beef-sandwich/

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